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Organic Proteins

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About Us


Dead Lift Nutrition Supplements is a well-known name in bodybuilding and fitness Industry of the India. We are Authorised and recognised directly by all the own product and there Importers. The envisions to solve the severe problem by serving as a unique center for sourcing exclusive fitness products and supplements for a fitness freak.
We Cater to all your fitness needs through our online across nation. Source of supplements works as your nutritionist, supplement/protein expert, and provider of all the necessary tools and products you need to stay fit.
100% Original Fitness Products

  • Proteins
  • Gainers
  • Gym Gear
  • Vitamins & Health
  • Performance
  • Weight Management & Many More

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Best Nutrition Supplement Brand

Authenticity Guarantee
Source Of Supplements is the only online supplement store in India that can truly guarantee authenticity. In fact, we are so confident about it that we claim if any purchase is made by a customer and he/she does not get a bill on the spot then the product will be completely free and full refund will be made or the same product will be given for free. When purchasing from our website or our store, you never have to worry about getting a harmful substance and be 100% confident on what you get

Protein is the second most prevalent ingredient in our cells after water. This vital macronutrient may be found in our bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, hair, nails, and practically every other aspect of our bodies.
Protein is no longer thought to be important exclusively for bodybuilders. Protein is involved in the bodys major metabolic activities, making it essential at all stages of life. The amount of water required varies based on the level of physical activity. The higher the workout intensity, the greater the protein demand.
Protein is made up of two types of amino acids: essential and non-essential amino acids.

Benefits of Using Proteins
Protein is not only involved in muscle growth; it is also involved in a number of other important functions. Some of the research-backed reasons to consume protein on a daily basis are listed below.
Muscle Gain: Protein is required for the development and maintenance of our tissues. Failure to meet daily protein requirements might result in significant muscle loss. Protein powders are an excellent way to meet protein requirements. Muscle growth, strength, and size are all aided by them. Protein shakes are preferred by fitness enthusiasts since they are healthful, nutritious, and convenient to meet the rising demand. BCAAs, which are abundant in protein powders, aid in quicker recovery and prevent fatigue.
Weight Loss/Maintenance: Protein should never be overlooked when trying to lose or maintain a healthy weight. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates and fat, so a high-protein diet keeps us fuller for longer. It helps control overall calorie intake by preventing untimely food cravings



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